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​Cherry Hill Elementary PAC

If your child attends Cherry Hill Elementary School, then you are automatically considered a member of our school's Parent Advisory Committee. The Cherry Hill PAC is a great way for its​ committee (who consists of members elected by parents/guardians) to act as a liaison between parents/guardians and our school's administration and also allows parents/guardians to become meaningfully involved in their child's education and overall school experience.  

We, as a collective voice of parents, have a wonderful opportunity to contribute through various fundraising events which add to the value of our children's experience by funding and supporting some of our school's activities as well as classroom requirements that are not always otherwise met. 

We encourage all parents to get involved by either volunteering or simply attending our quarterly meetings. 

We also currently have a Facebook page where our school's current events are regularly updated and questions regarding events and activities can often be answered.  Please visit us on Facebook under "Cherry Hill PAC" and/or check out our board located directly across from the school office for more information.

Parents' Advisory Committee (PAC)

To contact PAC via e-mail, please send it to:​  

To contact PAC via Facebook, please click here:

To read the PAC Constitution and Bylaws, please click here:  CONSTITUTION and BYLAWS CHERRY HILL ELEMENTARY May 30 2023.pdf


2024 - 2025 Executive

The 2024/2025 PAC was elected at the meeting on June 12, 2024

President:  Michelle Hall

Vice President: Alexis Green

Treasurer:  Jen Andrews

Secretary:  Danielle Miller

Member-at-Large: Laura Selvaraja

Member-at-Large: Sierra Eastwood

Member-at-Large: Mark Johnson

Member-at-Large: Chrysta Anderson

​DPAC: Petrena Pillai 

​​​​PAC β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹Munch-a-Lunch Registration and Log-in Link
