Cherry Hill Elementary
32557 Best Avenue
Mission, B.C. V2V 2S5
Strong Start
What is StrongStart?
A place where…families are valued and recognized as their
child's very first and most important teacher
A place
that…models and supports family literacy
A place
to…meet other children and their families
A place
which… reflects the language and cultures of the community
place where…information on parenting concerns, child development,
school facilities, and local community resources are readily
A place where…learning is fun. Parents and
caregivers play alongside their child, therefore encouraging early
A place where…children can develop emotionally,
socially, physically, cognitively
StrongStart is designed for preschool aged children and
their parent/caregiver; however children from birth to six years of age are very
welcome. We encourage the whole family to join us.
Why StrongStart?
One of the objectives of StrongStart is to ensure a successful transition
into kindergarten. Families
who attend StrongStart become very comfortable
in a school setting.
Their active involvement in their children's education is ensured through the
early positive connection. Through play based problem solving activities found
at StrongStart children can develop the literacy and numeracy concepts they need
to have in place for success in kindergarten.
What We Do at Strongstart:
Drama station:
Children are given opportunities to learn
about relationships. Through role playing they begin to understand others’
needs, wants, ideas and feelings; therefore they begin to explore the concept of
empathy. They are encouraged to develop their imaginations enhancing their
understanding of another person’s perception. The drama station encourages
children to learn the social graces/niceties such as taking turns, listening to
others, and sharing materials and space.
Construction station:
Children can construct and
reconstruct their world. They’re encouraged to learn about shape, design and
structure. Develop mathematical concepts such as size, measurement and weight
and show pride in the structures they create.
Children are encouraged to learn how to discriminate and
classify using clues of sizes, shape, colour and detail. They learn to count
materials, relay patterns and to sequence. Children are also given opportunities
to develop their small muscle control through manipulating small objects, a
skill needed in the future when they are learning to print.
Registration and Location Information
Strong Start is a drop-in- program, parents and caregivers can come with
their children to any location, at any time, during the hours posted below.
To register your child for Strong Start, please complete the following form
and submit it to the Strong Start Facilitator at one of the listed schools.
Please bring your child's birth certificate for staff to verify all information
is completed accurately at the time of registration.
Cherry Hill Elementary
32557 Best Avenue
Mission, B.C.
V2V 2S5
Mission Central Elementary
7466 Welton Street
B.C. V2V 6X4
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30-11:30
Tuesday, Thursday: 12:00-3:00 pm
During school days
West Heights Community
32065 Van Velzen
Mission, B.C. V2V 2G6
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
12:00-3:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30-11:30 am
During school days
Windebank Elementary
33570-11th Avenue
Mission, B.C.
V2V 6Z2
Mon., Wednesday & Friday: 8:30-11:30 am
Tuesday: 12:00-3:00 pm
During school days
Outreach Sites
Deroche Elementary
10340 N. Deroche Road
Deroche, B.C.
V0M 1G0
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30-11:30 am
school days
Silverdale Elementary
29715 Donatelli Road
B.C. V2V 1H6
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-11:30
During school days
What is the cost of StrongStart?
There is no cost to families to participate at any of our six locations.